The Leadville Trail 100 mile bike race stretches across the Colorado Rockies and contains extreme terrain 9,200 feet above ground. Only 40% of its competitors finish. John Hansen (pictured left), one of the race’s participants, is riding to symbolize the challenges and hurdles that his sister, Re’Lynn, has overcome in her battle with Breast Cancer.
“John and his sister have always had a special relationship. They are very close and have always had an unconditional love for each other” says Julie Hansen, wife of John.
Re’Lynn explains where John’s passion for biking started:
“When we were younger, we competed in a bike race together. I was 16 and he was 12. We started before the sun came up and did not finish until it went down! John continued biking as he grew older. Our whole family has always been active together like this.”
When Re’Lynn was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in November of 2012, John turned his bike training into a way to honor and raise money for Re’Lynn’s passions: Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Detection. His goal: $20,000! And with only a month left until the race, he is not far from reaching it. John and Re’Lynn’s reactions are pure astonishment.
“Re’Lynn was most touched by the how responsive people were to the cause. She always felt as if people didn’t want to speak about their cancer. The many generous donations have caused her to feel hope.” John said. Re’Lynn then comments: “I believe in the kindness of humanity. This outpouring of love is amazing.”
Currently, John is with his training group, Vision Quest, in Colorado preparing for the race. He has donated $5000 of his own, and is matching all donations up to $10,000. Re’Lynn is almost done with her chemotherapy and surgeries and is ready to cheer her brother on in his personal battle for a cause!
Want to help? Start your own fundraiser today!
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.
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