Note: Written by streamer and NBCF Game Pink fundraiser MatthewOrMatt. MatthewOrMatt shares how his commitment to helping and spreading hope to people touched by breast cancer with charity streams can change communities—and the world.
MatthewOrMatt: Unfortunately, no one is many degrees of separation away from breast cancer. Whether it be a family member, a friend, a teacher, or anyone else, we have all been touched by this disease at some point in some way. Providing people with the greatest chance of beating a disease like breast cancer is something we should all care about doing.
MatthewOrMatt: I have loved working with NBCF over the last few years. NBCF makes it their mission to provide hope to people during what may be the most hopeless point of their lives. It’s an amazing undertaking, and they do a phenomenal job making it evident that they truly care about everyone they touch.
Additionally, NBCF does a great job of utilizing Twitch as a platform. Game Pink has been great each year I have participated, and the community managers at NBCF do awesome work to provide streamers with plenty of resources that can allow them to not only generate funds but spread breast cancer awareness about how people can help support well beyond giving money.
MatthewOrMatt: I was inspired by the popular charity event known as “Games Done Quick.” Seeing how much money could be raised through gaming really opened my eyes to how powerful Twitch could be in raising awareness for causes and generating funds while doing something fun.
Being a charity streamer has been a very rewarding experience overall, and it has introduced me to a lot of amazing organizations, like NBCF, that I otherwise would have never known about. Don’t underestimate how powerful charity streaming can be for your org—you never know who will stumble upon it!!! Also, you get to game while raising money for good causes—can it get any better?
MatthewOrMatt has raised $10,595 in total over his years streaming for NBCF. He joins NBCF’s Game Pink for the third time this October to raise funds for the “Screening Isn’t Scary” campaign. To follow along and join MatthewOrMatt during his upcoming stream, click here. To learn more about NBCF’s Game Pink and “Screening Isn’t Scary” campaign, click here.
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.