Editor’s Note: This post was written by Rebecca Anderson, NBCF Marketing
Manager, busy mom, and wannabe cook.
Do you love trying new recipes and fueling your Pinterest addiction Theoretically, I do too…but I have a confession: I’m pretty lazy in the kitchen so I need recipes that are simple. That’s why I was so excited to receive this easy, make-at-home Strawberry Whirl™ Smoothie recipe from our friends at Jamba Juice.
This recipe has exactly four common ingredients. FOUR. I can count them on one hand…which is good because I usually get interrupted by my kids no less than four times while preparing just about anything. This is one of those awesome recipes you can file in your brain somewhere between your workout schedule and the plotline of your favorite TV show.
Here are the four delicious and healthy ingredients, and they may already be in your kitchen:
Simply combine all ingredients in your favorite blender. I blended mine for about 30 seconds on low—patience has never been my virtue. While my drink was delicious, it was slightly lacking the smooth part of smoothie. Next time, I will blend longer, probably closer to a minute. Still, this was yummy and it’s PINK—NBCF’s favorite color and mine too. My co-worker said it was delicious, and I know my kids will agree. Strawberry-banana is the most popular fruit combo, according to Jamba Juice, and bananas are Americans’ favorite fruit. If you’re looking for easy and delicious ways to hit your daily goal of nine servings of fruit and veggies, give this one a try.
We are so thankful that all through October, Jamba Juice customers can make a donation to NBCF. Thank you Jamba Juice for sharing this exclusive recipe and joining us in Helping Women Now.
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.
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