One year after sharing her story of being diagnosed with Stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer at the age of 36, Gigi is back with an update. Gigi recently shared with us the milestones she has accomplished since her diagnosis and how hope and her faith have been vital parts of her recovery.
Read Gigi’s first blog post, Breast Cancer at 36: Conquering Fear with Hope and Community.
While Gigi was undergoing treatment for her breast cancer, she managed to attend college and eventually graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. Gigi shares how this huge milestone was accomplished and what it means to her: “This accomplishment was monumental! Despite enduring surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and the overall trauma of battling breast cancer, I persevered and achieved what felt impossible.”
These days, Gigi owns and operates her own consulting business, where she assists those facing their own health struggles to cultivate attainable habits and prioritize their overall wellness.
For other women who may find themselves facing a similar situation as they navigate a cancer diagnosis, Gigi has these encouraging words: “Never underestimate yourself! Embrace your journey, for in every challenge lies the opportunity to thrive.”
Much of Gigi’s breast cancer experience involved self-advocacy, which is the action of representing yourself, your views, and your needs—sometimes repeatedly—to others in order to achieve an outcome. For Gigi, self-advocacy looked like pushing for basic diagnostic services during a very tenuous time.
When she first felt a lump in her breast during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gigi had a difficult time getting an appointment for a diagnostic mammogram. Even after the mammogram, she had a hard time convincing a doctor to perform a biopsy. Of her decision to seek a second opinion, Gigi shared, “My health matters and one person’s opinion is not the end-all-be-all. It’s ok to get a second or third opinion until you feel comfortable enough with the answer for your specific situation.”
Once diagnosed, Gigi continued to advocate for herself throughout her treatment. Today, she shares about the importance of self-advocacy, from diagnosis, through treatment, and even into survivorship:
“Self-advocacy has been paramount in shaping my breast cancer experience. By advocating for myself, I ensured that I received the care and support necessary to navigate the challenges of treatment and recovery. This empowered me to actively participate in decisions regarding my health, fostering a sense of control and agency amidst uncertainty.
Through self-advocacy, I not only conquered cancer, but emerged stronger, more resilient, and deeply connected to the power of my own voice in shaping my health and well-being.”
Now on the other side of treatment, Gigi proudly proclaims herself not only a survivor but a thriver. With that perspective, Gigi has some powerful words of wisdom to share with her past self, and other women facing breast cancer. When asked what she would say to herself if she could go back to when she was first diagnosed, Gigi proclaims:
“If I could step back in time and speak to that frightened 36-year-old woman, I would envelop her in the comforting assurance that God’s strength surpasses any trial she faces. I’d remind her that she’s far from defeated, urging her to embrace each day one step at a time, without fretting over the uncertainty of tomorrow.
I’d encourage her to cherish every precious moment with her husband, children, and cherished ones, finding solace in their love and support. Most importantly, I’d implore her to never surrender to despair, for within her lies a reservoir of resilience, capable of overcoming any obstacle that lies ahead.
Lastly, I would encourage her to give herself permission to embrace her repurposed life, unapologetically and wholeheartedly.”
We are so encouraged by Gigi’s words of hope, support, and empowerment for those facing a breast cancer diagnosis.
National Breast Cancer Foundation is here for you and your loved ones. Whether you need support, education, or help during treatment, we have a team dedicated to getting you the help you deserve.
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.
Hello Gigi,
Your story came right on time🙏 I just received the news today that I have invasive breast cancer stage 1 I believe, I’m still in shock as I was diagnosed in 2005 insitu and conquered it . Now at 62 and a Gigi to 3 It has returned and I will Fight and Thrive 💪🙏🩷
Yesss!!! Congratulations, Gigi! XO
Oooweeee, praise Jesus for your amazing accomplishments, bold attitude and courageous spirit, Queen Gigi! You embraced Joshua 1:9 and never looked back! So proud of you, my Beloved love daughter!❤️ You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, soShine on! Be blessed & LIVE!!!
Reading your story GiGi mirrors mine. I too was diagnosed with Stage2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I was diagnosed July 2023. Advocating for myself as well as getting a second opinion was important for my treatment and healing. Today I’m cancer free. Now that I’m thriving I see the importance of sharing it with others. Thank you for sharing. God Bless!
God bless Gi Gi you are a amazing young lady may your life be filled with love and goodness
Gigi’s journey is an inspiration to all.
Thank you for sharing.
My pink sista thanks for sharing your story! I have Stage 1A IDC at 47. The surgery is over and done with! Chemotherapy was added to my treatment plan. That wasn’t expected, but I am flying thru it!
COngratulations Gigi!!! I, too, am a breast cancer survivor!! I had a right mastectomy and I pray the cancer never returns on the left side. Praying for you, too, my sister!! If you’d like to be friends my cell number is 973-809-1616 and my email is [email protected]
Gigi is an inspiration, a force and an amazing role model. So happy for her and her family.
Simply NO WORDS to best describe this amazing young woman, who came into and lit up
my life a year ago. Her roaring strength, might and courage has been an incredible inspiration to me and others who know her. I’m ecstatically grateful to God, along with Gigi, for what’s He’s done, doing and continues to do in her as a clear beacon of His Glory! She’s clearly my Shero!
How amazing! Your journey is such an inspiration, Gigi! May God continue to bless & keep you!
Congratulations to Gigi! So very proud of you! Your strength, resilience, and determination are truly inspiring. You have shown that with perseverance and courage, anything is possible. Wishing you continued health and success in all your future endeavors. You are a true warrior! So honored to know you!
My Sister is the strongest person i know love her to death and she needs to write a book her story needs to be told
I wholeheartedly agree! I would buy it!