As we attempt to navigate the many highs and lows that life brings us, we can often fall victim to tunnel vision. We only see the immediate problem ahead, and we neglect to remember that the view from above holds a much better perspective. Like so, a woman’s battle with breast cancer may feel like she is idly moving. However, from above, there is hope and you may be just one step closer to the finish line.
Operation Pink Sky, the annual event held at Chicagoland Skydiving Center, uses their mile-high perspective to raise donations for NBCF through skydiving. The day is filled with both experienced jumpers as well as first-time jumpers, some of who jumped for free as a reward for meeting a fundraising goal! T-shirts, a raffle, and a party that evening continued to help raise donations.
Becky Johns, Director of Marketing and Communications for Chicagoland, first started the fundraiser due to breast cancer affecting so many of their staff’s families. Becky says “Personally, it is important to me to continue to try to grow the event because my mom and both her sisters are breast cancer survivors.” Although Becky is one of the luckier individuals who didn’t lose her loved ones, she still wants to play her part so that “others may be able to enjoy additional years with their mothers, aunts, sisters, etc.” As for her reasoning on choosing NBCF, Becky comments, “We chose NBCF because of its focus on patients and their families. We know a support network is an important part of fighting the cancer battle and healing.”
Operation Pink Sky just finished their 4th year fundraising for NBCF. We are thankful for their loyal support and innovative fundraising ideas!
If you would like to fundraise for NBCF, start your own fundraiser!
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.
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