What Helps During Chemo? Patients and Survivors Share Tips & Advice
Chemotherapy, using medicine or drugs to target cancer cells, is a common treatment for breast cancer. It helps to be prepared for chemo—potential side effects, the change in your schedule, and overall impact on your life—and we are pleased to share some words of wisdom from others who have been there.
In Their Own Words: What Really Helps During Chemo
From warm baths, music, and milkshakes to meal trains, extra-long phone chargers, and journaling, we received great advice from those going through chemo and survivors:
“Even on the bad days, I find something to make me laugh, I look for beauty in small things, and I think to myself what a strong incredible woman I am!” – Mel
“I called the chemo days my ‘rainbow’ days and pictured healing thoughts as I received my infusions. This helped me to stay positive and endure the most difficult time of my life.” – Gina
“I did a countdown of the treatments—mentally it helped me to see that number getting smaller and know the end was in sight.” – Selena
“Family, Faith, and Friends.” – Edwina
“My chemo nurses made it feel like I was hanging out with friends.” – Michelle
“Two days after my chemo treatments I went back into the chemo center for IV fluids, every week for 20 weeks. The extra fluids really helped and I recommend it to everyone if possible.” – Dena
“Friends and family who would listen to me complain endlessly without judgement, meal delivery immediately following infusions, cards from relatives sharing strength and love, and a port-accessible sweatshirt (so I didn’t have to undress for port access).” – Brandi
Top 5 Recommendations from Survivors Who Completed Chemo
We are fortunate to have an amazing community of women who have completed chemo and who are willing to share their valuable insights on the experience. To help breast cancer patients prepare for and get through chemo, we compiled a list of helpful tips from this community.
Rest—or move During treatment, many women share newfound passions for walking, cycling, and other activities while others note the importance of giving yourself permission to rest. This advice will vary day by day, depending on how you are feeling and what helps to boost your energy level.
Nourish yourself Nutrition can make a big difference in how you feel during chemo. Protein smoothies are a great option if you need nutrition on the go or are experiencing lack of appetite or mouth sores—hydration is also key. Learn more through the free “Nutrition Care for Breast Cancer Patients” eBook. Meal trains can also be a wonderful option when you’re too tired to cook. And we can’t count the number of women who recommend the healing properties of chocolate! NBCF also offers a free “Healthy Recipes for Cancer Patients” eBook with recipes for meals that are easy to prepare and safe to eat. For additional information on essential foods to have during cancer treatment, check out 15 foods that help during cancer treatment.
Surround yourself with support From friends and family to organized support groups, having a team on your side can make a tremendous difference before, during, and after chemo. Surround yourself with positive energy and people willing to offer a listening ear or a helping hand.
Find something to believe in Many turn to faith and spiritual support to provide light during challenging times. Prayer and meditation can provide solace and a sense of calm and connection.
Cuddle up with a furry friend Several people who responded to our query shared that they got a dog prior to chemo as a companion that could always be counted on to offer unconditional love.
A sense of humor, a good driver, camping trips, and a positive attitude also made the list. One woman shared that “Pedialyte and mashed potatoes” were a lifesaver when she felt sick or dehydrated and another recommended “plastic flatware, applesauce, and saltine crackers.” Word games, puzzles, and blankets were also appreciated by many.
Resources from NBCF
National Breast Cancer Foundation provides support to women throughout the chemo process. We are proud to offer free resources including:
Chemo Messages: Inspiring email and video messages during treatment, Chemo Messages offer messages of care from survivors who have been there as well as helpful resources and the reassurance you need to take the next step.
HOPE Kits: Thoughtful items that patients have told us are comforting and encouraging, HOPE Kits may include fuzzy socks, tea, unscented lotion, a journal and pen, lip balm, and more as an expression of hope and care.
Support groups: In-person and online groups can reduce the stress and anxiety that come with a breast cancer diagnosis and provide a community of support, no matter where you live.
Join the conversation! If you’ve gone through chemotherapy, comment below what was most helpful during your experience.
National Breast Cancer Foundation is here for you and your loved ones. Whether you need support, education, or help during treatment, we have a team dedicated to get you the help you deserve.
For the full comment thread of recommendations from survivors, check our Facebook post here.
Publish Date: July 18, 2022
My heart is with all of our cancer warriors! I am at the halfway mark of my chemo. I thought I could stay so positive through a bilateral mastectomy and all the chemo as well as every three weeks for a year, herceptin. However, how hard I try to stay positive, there are definitely down days. I found letting myself feel the down days helped me get back to being positive quicker. If I bottled in all the anger and sadness, it seems to make it harder for me to be more positive. Our lives have been interrupted, but that doesn’t mean cancer has to have ours !
Early detection is key to increased survival rates I’m living proof of how being proactive about your health can save you. I am a carrier of an ATM gene mutation, which puts me at higher risk for breast cancer. Many people just know about BRCA, but there are other genes too. Because of this and having dense breasts, I received yearly mammograms with ultrasounds then 6 months later MRI. since they found my two tumors early, one was very aggressive. If I didn’t keep up with my scans, I would have had a very different conversation and possible outcome then I luckily do.
Mammograms are the only way to detect breast cancer in its earliest stage, when it is easiest to treat and survival rates are highest. Early detection through mammograms is the key to survival. You can read more about mammograms here: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/mammogram/
I had chemo back in 2010 and hoped that was all. Well, its 2024, and today i had my first in a long series of chemo infusions. And when i got home today, there was a Hope kit waiting at my door, which was just what i needed! Hope in a box! Perfect! ~nancy~
I had my first infusion March 13th I am on week 4 of 12. I am using the cold cap to help save my hair. so far everyone has been so supportive at my infusion center. I am surprisingly doing well with minimal side affects. I have days I have energy and then crash and days I am exhausted. I want to eat better because of the weight gain. My biggest worry is not knowing what is next after chemo. I thought chemo and I was done but I found out I have to do radiation after chemo. I wish they would tell you everything so you know and can plan life.
My situation is different. I just finished radiation and will be starting chemo soon. My experience with radiation was great. The team was kind, they made me feel comfortable, and after the first two initial appointments – it went fast! Treatment is shorter than a song (they play music during treatment).
I too just finished the short radiation. It went well and my team was amazing as well. I start 4 treatments of Chemo in November I can’t say I’m not terrified but reading the comments has put me at some ease so thank you.
After reading the various comments, I find them all agreeable. Though I have only had one trip to the infusion ward, my whole life has changed. The staff support is beyond admirable, and I too looked at the chemo to being one step closer to beating my lung cancer. Over the last two months my emotions have changed drastically and I am much better for it. I have always been a PMA person so it comes kinda natural. While receiving my chemo, I talk to other patients, play games on my iPad, eat and talk to the nurses. So, I’m always busy and the time flies by. I also text my wife sitting in the waiting room and keep her up to date on what’s going on next.
I had my 1st chemo yesterday. I had absolutely no idea what to except. The nurse and other patients where all very supportive. But boy do I feel tired..
My heart is with all of our cancer warriors! I am at the halfway mark of my chemo. I thought I could stay so positive through a bilateral mastectomy and all the chemo as well as every three weeks for a year, herceptin. However, how hard I try to stay positive, there are definitely down days. I found letting myself feel the down days helped me get back to being positive quicker. If I bottled in all the anger and sadness, it seems to make it harder for me to be more positive. Our lives have been interrupted, but that doesn’t mean cancer has to have ours !
I want to know in detail about radiation side effects and after effects on breast. Can anyone help?
Hi Nidhi. NBCF has two educational webpages that may be helpful to you. The first is an overview of radiation as a breast cancer treatment: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-cancer-radiation-therapy/.
The second is information about treatment side effects and how to manage them. Radiation has its own section on this page: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/side-effects-of-breast-cancer-treatment-and-how-to-manage-them/.
We hope this information is helpful to you as you undergo radiation. You are in our thoughts.
Why is getting an annual mammogram important despite not being a fun activity?
Early detection is key to increased survival rates I’m living proof of how being proactive about your health can save you. I am a carrier of an ATM gene mutation, which puts me at higher risk for breast cancer. Many people just know about BRCA, but there are other genes too. Because of this and having dense breasts, I received yearly mammograms with ultrasounds then 6 months later MRI. since they found my two tumors early, one was very aggressive. If I didn’t keep up with my scans, I would have had a very different conversation and possible outcome then I luckily do.
Mammograms are the only way to detect breast cancer in its earliest stage, when it is easiest to treat and survival rates are highest. Early detection through mammograms is the key to survival. You can read more about mammograms here: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/mammogram/
I had chemo back in 2010 and hoped that was all. Well, its 2024, and today i had my first in a long series of chemo infusions. And when i got home today, there was a Hope kit waiting at my door, which was just what i needed! Hope in a box! Perfect! ~nancy~
I had my first infusion March 13th I am on week 4 of 12. I am using the cold cap to help save my hair. so far everyone has been so supportive at my infusion center. I am surprisingly doing well with minimal side affects. I have days I have energy and then crash and days I am exhausted. I want to eat better because of the weight gain. My biggest worry is not knowing what is next after chemo. I thought chemo and I was done but I found out I have to do radiation after chemo. I wish they would tell you everything so you know and can plan life.
My situation is different. I just finished radiation and will be starting chemo soon. My experience with radiation was great. The team was kind, they made me feel comfortable, and after the first two initial appointments – it went fast! Treatment is shorter than a song (they play music during treatment).
I too just finished the short radiation. It went well and my team was amazing as well. I start 4 treatments of Chemo in November I can’t say I’m not terrified but reading the comments has put me at some ease so thank you.
Does radiation change the look and feel of the breast? Does it look burned or swollen? If yes, does this go away with time ?
Did you loose any hair with the cold cap? Also was your hair thick or thin prior to treatment.
After reading the various comments, I find them all agreeable. Though I have only had one trip to the infusion ward, my whole life has changed. The staff support is beyond admirable, and I too looked at the chemo to being one step closer to beating my lung cancer. Over the last two months my emotions have changed drastically and I am much better for it. I have always been a PMA person so it comes kinda natural. While receiving my chemo, I talk to other patients, play games on my iPad, eat and talk to the nurses. So, I’m always busy and the time flies by. I also text my wife sitting in the waiting room and keep her up to date on what’s going on next.
I had my 1st chemo yesterday. I had absolutely no idea what to except. The nurse and other patients where all very supportive. But boy do I feel tired..
I bought a new sudoku book just for Chemo days..It helps the three hours of infusion to fly by…