A Community Ambassador has received breast health training, has the ability to coordinate awareness and fundraising events, and can recruit other volunteers as needed. Community Ambassadors work closely with NBCF staff to ensure they have the tools they need to serve their communities.
Join NBCF’s mission by spreading awareness and hope in your community. Become a Community Ambassador today!
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Education Saves Lives
I am a Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor and I discovered my tumor during a breast self-exam. I am lucky to have known what to look for and felt confident to take action despite my fear. I feel lucky to be alive and in full remission. It is my honor and responsibility to educate the underserved. Breast awareness education will save lives. These women deserve it.
Community Ambassador
Helping Others
It happened to me, so I am telling my story. This is my way of helping others. I know we need research and a cure, but until then women need to get diagnosed now, early, and be educated on the reasons why. It is important that everyone has access to mammograms.
Community Ambassador
Giving Support
As a Community Ambassador, I want to reach out to not only the breast cancer patients themselves and connect them with survivors, but also the family members and friends of the patients. Support is given in many different ways. Survivor or not, cancer is life changing for everyone connected.
Community Ambassador