Finding Hope that Heals eBook
Not all hope helps. Our new eBook can help you find healing hope.
Cancer comes with many challenges: making difficult decisions, dealing with side effects and uncertainty, grieving losses, and adjusting to change. One challenge no one talks about is finding the best hopes for getting good care and living as fully as possible.
Our latest eBook Finding Hope that Heals, written by Wendy S. Harpham, MD, guides patients and caregivers to strengthen hopes that help and to let go of those that may harm. Along with powerful insights and inspiration, the eBook offers practical exercises you can do anywhere.

“Wendy tells you how to nourish hope that heals—realistic hope, honest hope, hope that can keep you from wasting time and energy on despair, denial or wishful thinking…” —Jane Brody, NY Times
The mission of NBCF revolves around hope. We want to change the conversation that often ends with a rallying cry to “Have hope!” Instead, we want that to start a new conversation about which hopes can help you today, how to nurture them, and how to let go of those that might harm.
We’re honored that Dr. Harpham created this exciting eBook with us. Her award-winning writing and patient advocacy work demonstrate her dedication to patients. Her own remarkable survival through and beyond cancer serves as testimony to the power of healing hope to help you live your best life, whatever the circumstances.
“I thoroughly enjoyed this eBook and am excited that others can use its message, too. Now I’m off to do my ‘hope-work’!” —Pat Battaglia, metastatic cancer survivor, Associate Program Director, Breast Cancer Coalition Rochester
Topics include:
- How does hope help you heal?
- How might hope harm you?
- How do you determine which hopes are healing?
- What if you’re having trouble finding hope?
Plus, original “hope-work” exercises to make your hope strong.
– Wendy S. Harpham, MD